Friday, May 23, 2008

Squidoo Groups

Squidoo groups are generally neglected. Only a few lensmasters responsibly handle their groups.

There are many reasons for this problem. One problem is the ease of making a group. Anyone can start one, but few actually regularly moderate them.

There there is the problem with auto accept or manual accept. Manual takes a lot of time, but is the best way to ensure quality lenses to be included into your group.

Recently, Cinetech contacted me and we had a discussion about my Squidlit group. He helped to inspire me to actively run this group and to promote ever lens that is accepted. After spending the last few hours of booting lenses that do not belong, and featuring the others, If feel that me lens is ready to be viewed. So here it is for your to see, All Squidlit.

If you have any quality Squidlit lenses, feel free to submit them and if I like them, they will be accepted and featured.

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